Posted by: maisiegrace | April 29, 2010

I never stopped smelling you

At 7 pm on Friday evening, the great and the good will be gathered outside The Droit House to witness Tracey Emin switching on her neon sculpture. There are more events and exhibitions going on in Margate than you can shake a stick at, and it should be a great opportunity to put Margate on the map. However, the tide will be out and the abiding memory of the event may well be the pong of rotting seaweed.

Some of the smell in the harbour is from the seaweed deposited on the surface and of course this ‘natural’ seaside smell is to be expected.  The main problem at the moment is that TDC have a policy of tipping sand on top of seaweed as a short-term fix because they will not prioritise dealing with it properly. This traps the seaweed so that no air can get to it, so it turns into a horrible black sludge beneath the surface which gives off a stomach-turning stink. 

There are lots of discussions which need to be had about harvesting the seaweed, dumping it out to sea, whether the sluice gate should be open, dredging the harbour, etc but TDC is not interested. I think it’s simply ridiculous to have a world-class gallery and a newly regenerated seafront, and for visitors to have walk around with hankies over their noses.

I hope that the smell is a major issue on Friday. Maybe then TDC will take on board how serious the issue is.


  1. The Victorians used to have smelly stuff to sniff maybe it can become a resurgent industry in Thanet

  2. Welcome to the world of TDC. Just remind me, how long ago was it that you were singing their praises? 😉

  3. Fair comment, ECR. I’m sure it will not surprise you, however, that there are good and total w****rs in every organisation.

  4. Its the coast sea weed is a fact, we cannot dump it on land, so what are your suggestions? (keep it decent please)

  5. Listen to the fishermen and boat owners and other people who understand the currents in the vicinity. Create a flow of water through the sluice gate as the Victorian engineers intended. Dredge the harbour to create a greater body of water in which the seaweed remains in suspension. For any which remains I know the issues around removal are difficult but from what I understand I don’t feel the ways of putting the seaweed to agricultural use has been explored fully.

  6. It seems a shame that the local council is prepared to spend on bringing people to Margate, but as is so often the case, choose to ignore the problems that exist with the smelly seaweed. It would be great if the seaweed has an agricultural use, such as fertilizer, but sure there would be political implications with manufacturers in the area.

  7. Fortunately this is now in the mainstream news so hopefully a solution will be found.

  8. […] I never stopped smelling you April 2010 7 comments 5 […]

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